Apple GarageBand '09 User Manual

Page 108

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Chapter 10

Tutorial 8: Creating Podcasts

Deleting Markers

You can delete a marker if you no longer want it in your podcast.

To delete a marker, do one of the following:
 In the podcast track, select the marker region, then press the Delete key.
 In the editor, select the marker in the marker list, then press the Delete key.

Adding Episode Artwork

You can add episode artwork to the podcast track. When you play the podcast in
iTunes or view it in iWeb, the episode artwork is visible whenever there is no marker
region with its own artwork.

To add episode artwork:


In the Media Browser, locate the artwork you want to add.


Drag the artwork from the Media Browser to the Episode Artwork well in the editor.

The episode artwork appears in the Episode Artwork well. When you play the podcast,
the episode artwork appears when there is no marker region with artwork.

Editing Artwork

You can resize and crop both marker region and episode artwork. In the image editor,
you can resize and crop your artwork to show all or part of the original image.

To edit artwork:


Double-click artwork in either the Episode Artwork well or the marker list.

The image editor opens, showing the artwork.


Drag the size slider to resize the artwork as large or small as you want. The black square
shows what part of the artwork is displayed when you play the podcast.


Drag the artwork so that the part you want to display is within the borders of the


You can replace the artwork by dragging a new image to the image editor.


When you’re finished, click Set.

Editing Episode Information

Each podcast episode can contain information, including the episode title, author, and
description. An episode can also have a parental advisory, which appears when you
play the podcast in iTunes.

To edit episode information:


Select the podcast track.


Open the Track Info pane by choosing Track > Show Track Info.

The Track Info pane appears, showing the Episode Info pane.