Apple GarageBand '09 User Manual
Page 36

Chapter 3
Tutorial 1: Creating and Playing GarageBand Projects
To preview the song, click the Play button.
Magic GarageBand opens in a full-screen view, with the instruments for the project
displayed on the stage, and a control bar with playback and other controls below the
stage. You can change between this view and a window view by clicking the View
button on the lower-right part of the stage.
Choosing Different Instruments in Magic GarageBand
You can choose different instruments for each part of a Magic GarageBand song, or
have GarageBand choose a different set of instruments.
To choose a different instrument:
Select one of the instruments on the stage.
Different choices for the instrument appear below the stage.
Select a new instrument from below the stage.
After you choose the instruments you want, you can click Play again to hear the song
with the new instruments.
Shuffling Instruments in Magic GarageBand
In addition to choosing instruments manually, you can shuffle instruments in a Magic
GarageBand song. When you shuffle instruments, GarageBand chooses a new set of
instruments for the project.
To shuffle instruments:
Click the Shuffle Instruments button below the stage.
The Shuffle Instruments button is available when no instrument is selected on
the stage.
Mixing Instruments in Magic GarageBand
You can mix a Magic GarageBand song by adjusting the volume of different
instruments to balance their sound in the overall mix. You can also mute (silence)
instruments and solo them (hear them alone without the rest of the song).
To mix a Magic GarageBand song, you first show the mixer for one of the instruments.
When you select another instrument, the mixer for that instrument appears, until you
close the mixer for the current instrument.