Chapter 5 – Apple GarageBand '09 User Manual
Page 49

Tutorial 3: Recording Vocals
and Musical Instruments
You can record your voice or any other sound you can
capture using a microphone. If you play a musical
instrument, you can also record it in a GarageBand
In GarageBand, you record sound from a microphone or from a musical instrument
connected to your computer in a Real Instrument track. Real Instrument tracks have
blue headers, and the regions containing your recordings appear purple. You can
change track settings and add effects to Real Instrument tracks in the Track Info pane.
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:
 Add a Real Instrument track and change instrument settings
 Add an Electric Guitar track and choose a guitar amp
 Record sound in a Real Instrument or Electric Guitar track
 Record over a specific part of a project using the cycle region
 Record multiple takes
 Tune your guitar
Adding a Real Instrument Track
To record sound in a Real Instrument track, you first add the track to your project and
prepare it for recording.
To add a Real Instrument track:
Click the Add Track button, or choose Track > New Track.
In the New Track dialog, click Real Instrument, then click Create.
A new Real Instrument track appears in the timeline, and the Track Info pane opens to
the right of the timeline. The Track Info pane is where you choose different settings for
the selected track.