Creating an audio podcast – Apple GarageBand '09 User Manual

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Chapter 10

Tutorial 8: Creating Podcasts


Creating an Audio Podcast

You create an audio podcast in GarageBand by creating a podcast project, recording
your narration, and adding music, sound effects, and other audio. You can also enhance
an audio podcast by adding markers, artwork, URLs, and chapter titles, and episode

Creating a Podcast Project


Choose File > New.

The New Project dialog appears.


Click New Project, then click Podcast.


Click Choose.

A new, empty podcast project appears in the GarageBand window. In a podcast
project, the podcast track appears above the other tracks in the timeline. The Media
Browser opens, and the editor shows the marker list, with columns for the start time,
artwork, chapter title, URL title, and URL for each marker. Podcast projects include
tracks for male and female voices, jingles (musical background tracks), and radio

Note: A project can have either a podcast track or a movie track, but not both. If you
try to show the podcast track for a project that contains a movie track, a dialog appears
asking if you want to replace the movie track with a podcast track.

Recording Narration and Dialogue

You can create podcasts with only spoken narration or dialogue, or add musical
backing tracks, sound effects, and other sounds. You record narration in a Real
Instrument track. The podcast project includes two Real Instrument tracks, named Male
Voice and Female Voice, that are optimized for recording spoken narration or dialogue.

To record narration or dialogue:


Select either the Male Voice or Female Voice track by double-clicking its track header.

The Track Info pane opens, showing the track settings.


From the Input Source pop-up menu, choose the appropriate input source for the
microphone you are using to record your narration or dialogue.


Choose “On with Feedback Protection” from the Monitor pop-up menu to hear the
sound from the microphone. If feedback occurs, an alert appears asking if you want to
turn off monitoring.


Move the playhead to the point where you want to start recording.


Click the Record button, then start speaking.


When you’re done recording, click the Play button.