Apple GarageBand '09 User Manual
Page 11

Chapter 2
GarageBand at a Glance
Timeline: Contains the tracks where you record instruments, add loops, and arrange regions.
Also includes the beat ruler, which you use to move the playhead and align items in the timeline.
See “Timeline” on page 12 for a description of the features and controls of the timeline.
The instrument icon and name are shown at the left of each track’s header.
Click the track name to type a new name.
Click the Record Enable button (the red circle) to turn on the track for recording.
Click the Mute button (the speaker icon) to silence the track.
Click the Solo button (the headphone icon) to hear the track by itself.
Click the Lock Track button (the padlock icon) to lock the track.
Click the triangle to show the track’s automation curves.
Drag the pan dial to adjust the pan position of the track (the left-to-right placement in the
stereo field).
Drag the volume slider to adjust the track’s volume. Watch the level meter to see the track’s
volume level as you record and play.
Drag the zoom slider to zoom in for a closer view of part of the timeline, or to
zoom out to see more of the timeline.
Add Track and Editor buttons: Click the Add Track button to add a track below the existing
tracks in the timeline. Click the Editor button to show or hide the editor.
Transport controls: Click the Record button to start recording.
Click the Play button to start or stop playback of the project.
Click the Go To Beginning, Rewind, or Fast Forward buttons to move the playhead to different
parts of the project.
Click the Cycle button to turn the cycle region on or off.
The LCD has five modes: Time, Measures, Chord, Tuner, and Project. Click the icon at the left
side of the LCD and choose a different mode.
In Time mode, the LCD shows the playhead’s position in absolute time (hours, minutes, seconds,
fractions). Drag or double-click the numerals to move the playhead.
In Measures mode, the LCD shows the playhead’s position in musical time (measures, beats,
ticks). Drag or double-click the numerals to move the playhead.
In Chord mode, you can see chord symbols when you play any Software Instrument.
In Tuner mode, you can tune a guitar in either an Electric Guitar or Real Instrument track.
In Project mode, you can choose a different key and time signature for the project, and change
the project tempo.
Master volume slider and level meter: Drag the volume slider to adjust the project’s master
volume level. Watch the level meter to see if clipping is occurring before you export a project.
Loop Browser, Track Info, and Media Browser buttons: Click the Loop Browser button to open
the loop browser.
Click the Track Info button (with the “i”) to open the Track Info pane.
Click the Media Browser button to open the Media Browser.