Chapter 3 – Apple GarageBand '09 User Manual
Page 29

Tutorial 1: Creating and Playing
GarageBand Projects
You can create GarageBand projects for songs, podcasts,
ringtones, and more. You can play projects to hear you
music, and save them in several ways.
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:
 Create a new project from a template
 Choose project settings for tempo, key, and time signature
 Play the project
 Save the project
Creating a New Project
You start working in GarageBand by creating a project. Projects are where you record,
arrange, and mix your music. When you open the New Project dialog, you can select a
template for the type of project you want to create.
You can choose from several different types of projects, including:
 Music projects for voice, acoustic instruments, electric guitar, loops, and more
 Podcast projects for enhanced audio and video podcast episodes
 Magic GarageBand projects, in which you choose the genre and GarageBand
chooses the instruments and creates an arrangement
 iPhone ringtone projects that you can send to iTunes and use on your iPhone.
In addition to creating new projects, you can open and download Learn to Play lessons
in the New Project dialog. To learn how to use Learn to Play lessons, see “Tutorial 2:
Learning to Play Guitar and Piano” on page 40.