Apple GarageBand '09 User Manual
Page 27

Chapter 2
GarageBand at a Glance
The Echo and Reverb sliders for each track control the amount of echo and reverb sent
from that track to the master echo and reverb effects. In the Track Info pane for the
master track, you can change the master echo and reverb effects.
Browse button: Click to view the instrument list, icon menu, and input controls for the track.
Master effects pop-up menu: Choose which master effects you want to see in the category and
effects lists from the pop-up menu.
Master effects category list: Click a category to see the effects for that category in the master
effects list on the right.
Master effects preset list: Click a master effects preset from the list to apply it to the project.
Tempo, key, and time signature controls: Drag the Tempo slider to change the project tempo.
Choose a key from the Key pop-up menu, then choose a scale type from the pop-up menu to
the right.
Choose a time signature from the Signature pop-up menu.
Edit button: Click to view the effects menus and controls for the track.
Track Effects: Click the LED to turn the echo and reverb effects on or off. Choose an echo preset
from the Echo pop-up menu. Choose a reverb preset from the Reverb pop-up menu. These
effects control the sound of the Send effects in individual tracks.
Master Effects slots: Each master track includes a Visual EQ, a compressor, a ducker, and one
additional effects slot.
Click an effect’s LED to turn the effect on or off.
Click a preset and choose a new preset from the preset pop-up menu.
Click an empty effects slot and choose an effect from the pop-up menu.
Save Master and Delete Master buttons: Click the Save Master button to save a set of master
effects. Click the Delete Master button to delete a saved set of master effects.