Vt 100 menu interface – ADTRAN ISU 512 User Manual
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Chapter 3: Installation
ISU 512 User Manual
The VT 100 menu interface can be used by connecting a VT 100 compatible ter-
minal to the Chain In port on the back of the ISU 512. The VT 100 terminal (or
PC running terminal emulation software) is connected to the Chain In port us-
ing the RJ-45 to DB-25 adapter (part number 3196.ADPT003) and the RJ-45 to
RJ-45 cable provided with the unit. See the appendix Pinouts for the Chain In
port pinout information. The Chain In port is a DCE connector that contains
transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) data (EIA-232 compatible signals) and system
ground. The terminal should be set for 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and
no parity
. The VT 100 menu is activated by typing !V at the - - 512-> prompt.
Remote access to the ISU 512 is supported through the Chain In port by use of
a null modem cable connected to a modem (DCE interface). Use the RJ-45 to
DB-25 adapter (part number 3196.ADPT003) and the RJ-45 to RJ-45 cable to
connect the modem to the Chain In port. Ensure that the modem is set for Ig-
nore DTR
and Auto Answer is enabled.
The VT 100 menu interface can be used instead of the front panel to set options
and dial up ISDN connections. Test functions and unit status can also be ob-
tained by using the VT 100 menu interface. To select a function, press the num-
ber corresponding to the function and press Enter.
The bottom of each screen displays commands available for accessing other
menus or exiting the VT 100 interface. These commands require the use of the
key (Ctl) and a letter.
The first screen displayed is the Configuration Screen (Ctl+C). From this
screen ISU 512 options are configured; see Figure 3-2. Selecting option 32)-
displays a second Configuration screen with additional setup options;
see Figure 3-3.
The Status Screen (Ctl+V) is used to view the current status of the ISU 512; see
Figure 3-4. The Test Screen (Ctl+T) activates DTE and protocol loopbacks; see
Figure 3-5. The Dial Screen (Ctl+D) is used to dial and terminate calls; see Fig-
ure 3-6.
Select Ctl+X to exit the VT 100 menu interface and return control to the Main-
tenance interface. See the section The Maintenance Interface for more informa-