Allied Telesis AT-WA7400/EU User Manual

Page 316

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Appendix D: Command Line Interface (CLI) for Access Point Configuration


Set the cipher suite you want to use. The options are shown in Table 17.

The following example sets the cipher suite to



AT-WA7400# set bss wlan0bssInternal wpa-cipher-tkip on
AT-WA7400# set bss wlan0bssInternal wpa-cipher-ccmp on

4. Set the Pre-shared Key

The Pre-shared Key is the shared secret key for WPA-PSK. Enter a string
of at least 8 characters to a maximum of 63 characters. Following are two
examples; the first sets the key to “


”, the second sets the key to



Ex 1. AT-WA7400# set interface wlan0 wpa-personal-key "SeCret !"


Ex 2. AT-WA7400# set interface wlan0 wpa-personal-key KeepSecret


Shared secret keys can include spaces and special characters if the
key is placed inside quotation marks as in the first example above. If
the key is a string of characters with no spaces or special characters
in it, the quotation marks are not necessary as in the second
example above.

Table 17. Cipher Commands



TKIP: Temporal Key Integrity
Protocol (TKIP), which is the

set bss wlan0bssIngernal wpa-cipher-tkip on

set bss wlan0bssIngernal wpa-cipher-ccmp off

CCMP (AES): Counter mode/
CBC-MAC protocol (CCMP) is
an encryption method for IEEE
802.11i. that uses the
Advanced Encryption
Algorithm (AES).

set bss wlan0bssIngernal wpa-cipher-tkip off

set bss wlan0bssIngernal wpa2-cipher-ccmp on

Both: When the authentication
algorithm is set to Both, both
TKIP and AES clients can
associate with the access
point. WPA clients must have
either a valid TKIP key or a
valid CCMP (AES) key to be
able to associate with the
access point.

set bss wlan0bssIngernal wpa-cipher-tkip on

set bss wlan0bssIngernal wpa2-cipher-ccmp on