Modify a policy – Allied Telesis AT-GS950/8 User Manual
Page 248

Chapter 18: Access Control Configuration
3. From the Policy Settings page, identify which policy whose status you
want changed and click the Enable or Disable radio button in the
Status column.
Enable - If clicked, a message appears requesting whether you
want to change the status to Enable. Click OK to enable or Cancel
to cancel the action.
Disable - If clicked, a message appears requesting whether you
want to change the status to Disable. Click OK to enable or Cancel
to cancel the action.
4. From the main menu on the left side of the page, select Save Settings
to Flash to permanently save your changes.
Modify a Policy
To modify the entries for a policy, perform the following procedure:
1. From the main menu on the left side of the page, select the Access
Control Config folder.
The Access Control Config folder expands.
2. From the Access Control Config folder, select Policy Settings.
An example of a policy entry on the Policy Settings page is displayed
in Figure 94 on page 247.
3. From the Policy Settings page, identify which policy you want to modify
and click the Modify button in the Action column.
The Modify Policy Settings page is displayed in Figure 95.
Figure 95. Modify Policy Page