Vaisala WXT520 User Manual
Page 112

User’s Guide ______________________________________________________________________
110 _________________________________________________________________ M210906EN-C
Wind speed max/min calculation mode: 1 or 3
G =1: Traditional max/min calculation is performed
both for speed and direction.
G =3: Gust & lull are calculated for wind speed,
while direction calculation is as it is with G =1. In
the output messages, gust & lull replace the wind
speed max/min values (Sx, Sn), respectively.
For more detailed definitions of max/min and gust &
lull calculations see section
Speed unit: M = m/s, K = km/h, S = mph, N = knots
Direction offset: -180 ... 180°, see section
NMEA wind formatter: T = XDR (transducer
syntax), W = MWV (wind speed and angle)
Defines whether the wind message is sent in XDR or
MWV format.
Sampling rate: 1, 2, or 4 Hz
Defines how frequently the wind is measured. Lower
sampling rate reduces the power consumption, but it
also weakens the measurement representativeness.
Response terminator
When using MWV wind messages in NMEA 0183, one of the [R]
field's bits 1-6 must be 1.
For representative wind values, use long enough averaging time in
relation to sampling rate (at least four samples per averaging time).