Vaisala Hydromet Data Collection Platform User Manual

Page 178

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User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________

176 _________________________________________________________________ M210933EN-C

The current value of a parameter can be read with the following

spset <parameter>

The transmission can either start at the beginning of the transmit
window or be centered within the configured transmission window.
This is controlled by the Tx at window start option in the Device
view; see

Device Configuration on page 161

. For

transmissions centered in the transmit window, if the transmission
takes, for example, 40 seconds and the window length is set to 60
seconds, the transmission will start 10 seconds after the scheduled
transmission time. For transmissions starting at the beginning of the
transmit window, sending the message will start at the scheduled
transmission time. If a message is too long to fit into the configured
window, it will be cut and a # character will be added to its end.

As an example, the following command sequence will set first
transmission to 02:10 (=7800 seconds after midnight), transmit window
to 60 seconds, transmission interval to 4 hours (=14400 seconds), and
channel number to 151.

/ > spset goes_txtime 7800

/ > spset goes_window 60

/ > spset goes_interval 14400

/ > spset goes_channel 151