Race data – PortaTree Weather Deluxe Hardware User Manual
Page 13

into your race log when you enter the race data. This field will remain flagged until
you flag the next weather record or exit the program.
While this method works to enter race data, it is much simpler to enter a time slip
on the weather screen.
Race Data
In the P.C. Operations screen, "Click on" the "Race Data" Button to display
the run information. The display will always default to the current race file. All
files that contain race information begin with the text "race". An example of a race
file would be "race2003.txt" or "race2004.txt". Using this format will allow you to
keep track of race information from year to year.
Loading Files / Saving Files
When you first go into the program, the last current file that you have used
will appear on the screen. If you "Click" on the "Load" button, a screen comes up
that will allow you to search for race files on your computer or over a network.
Only files that begin with "race" will appear. Highlight the file you wish to select
and then "Click" on the "Accept" button. The information will immediately load.