PortaTree Downtrack Infrareds, Infrared Stands & Foam Blocks User Manual
PortaTree Sports and recreation

594 Blackstone Street -- P.O. Box 206 -- Uxbridge, MA 01569
Tel 508-278-2199 ext. 508 Fax 508-278-5887
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Procedure for Setting up Down Track Infrareds,
Infrared Stands, and Foam Blocks
Note: This procedure is the same for all down track infrareds ( 60 foot, 330 foot,
594 foot (mph), 660 foot, 1000 foot, 1254 foot (mph), and 1320 foot )
Infrared height – all at 6 inches off of the racing surface except the
60 foot clock which is set up 10 inches off of the racing surface.
Step 1: Make sure that you have a reference mark at both sides of the race track
which are properly measured and certified at each location.
Step 2: Run a pull line from one side of the race track to the other right through
the opening in the wall. Make sure that the pull line is directly over the marks
on the race track. You can stake off the pull line on both sides of the race track,
but do not pull tight at this time. The stakes must be outside of where the
sensors are to be mounted on the cement pads.
Step 3: Take a foam block that is 6 inches wide and lay it down on its side in the
middle of the race track. The 6 inch height will be used to keep the pull line at
the correct height in the middle of the track. This is the height that the center of
the reflectors will be in the foam block when it is placed in position.
Step 4: Because most tracks have a crown or curve in the racing surface, it is
necessary to pull the line tight and adjust the pull line to the 6 inch height in the
middle of the racing groove. It is necessary to do this in both lanes. Where the
pull line is tied off on the sides of the track, it may be much higher than 6 inches
due to this crown. Make sure that is 6 inches off of the surface in the racing
groove. Pull the line tight at this time. Make sure the line stays over the marks !
Step 5: After you are confident that the line is the correct height and that the line
is directly over the marks, take a measurement from the cement pad where the
sensors are to be mounted to the pull line. This will determine the height that the
center of the infrared sensor (center of the lens on the sensor) will need to be
mounted off of the cement pad.
Step 6: Provide enough shims or supports to properly located the sensor boxes
on the cement pads so that they will be the height measured in Step 5.