PortaTree Eliminator Asphalt Tracks User Manual

1/4 & 1/8 mile permanent track, Installation procedure

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Unpack all of the equipment and immediately inspect for shipping damage. Damages should be
immediately reported to the carrier and noted on the carriers receipt. Hidden damage should be
documented and shown to the carrier’s representative. Check the contents and match up to the invoice
and packing list.


The first track function is to layout the track. The starting line should be selected and

temporarily marked. The starting line will consist of a pre-stage and stage infrared emitter/receiver
pair in both lanes. The pre-stage is 7 inches before the stage beam and whether or not a guard beam is
used, it is marked at 15 inches in front of the stage beam line. The guard beam location is the starting
line and all down track detector locations should be measured from the guard beam line.


The 60 foot mark and detector location should be measured from the guard beam mark - - 60 feet

-- or 61 feet 3 inches from the stage beam location. After laying out a temporary line at the 60 foot
location, you should square up the starting line and 60 foot location by measuring the diagonals.

4) When the starting line is permanently marked, you can then permanently mark the 60 foot
location and by measuring down each side of the track with the same measuring device, mark the 594
and 660 foot locations and the 1254 and 1320 foot locations. All measurements are from the guard
beam imaginary location or 15 inches in front of the stage beam location. We use roofing nails to
permanently mark the track surface.

5) After the entire track is permanently marked, you can begin locating the detectors, the yellow
banner emitter/receiver pairs will be used at the starting line - - pre-stage and stage. The reflector type
emitter/receiver in the same unit – SBL1) will be used at the 60 foot, mph, and finish locations.

6) All mounting stands and brackets should be made of very rigid material so as to resist vibration
and flexing. The starting line detectors will be mounted back to back with plenty of adjustment for
moving the detector up/down and left/right. The emitters and receivers on the outside of the track
should also have the same amount of adjustment.

7) The 60 foot banner SBL1 units must be mounted 6 inches off of the track surface as
recommended by the NHRA. If the track is hard hooking and you have a lot of vehicles that carry the
front tires past the 60 foot mark, the NHRA recommends 8 inches up to 12 inches off of the track.

8) The 60 foot detectors should be mounted at the edge of the track surface behind the guard
rail if you have one. Run a pull line tight across the track. The pull line should be 6 inches off of the
track surface all the way across the track surface. The center of the detection beam should be located on
the center of the pull line.

9) Perform the same beam location technique at all other down track locations. After all
detectors and mounts have been located, it is best to cement the bracket bases so that they do not move
in the ground.

10) The wiring of the track can now begin. There are two main cables that go to the starting line