Before you install the software, Software installation and setup – DAVIS Envoy8X Getting Started Guide User Manual
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Software Installation and Setup
Before You Install the Software
Before you run Weather Data Transfer Utility for Envoy 8X for the first
time, you must first decide which database to use. Here are some basic
considerations for selecting your database:
• MS Access is included with Envoy8X software and requires no
additional purchase or setup to use. Access is the easiest to use and is
recommended for single-user installations. The maximum size for an
Access database is 2 gigabytes. If you want to log data frequently,
the size of the database increases rapidly and your data should be
backed up at least once a month. Access databases should also be
compacted on a regular basis. Weather Data Transfer Utility for
Envoy8X will automatically compact the Access database when you
exit, so it is a good idea to close the program regularly to allow the
database to be compacted and repaired.
• Either MySQL or MS SQL Server, should be used for installations
with many sensors and large amounts of data. They are very
powerful databases which can support large amounts of data and
multiple simultaneous connections. Both are fast, stable and easy to
set up, but complicated to maintain. MS SQL is more expensive than
MySQL. If you use MySQL or MS SQL Server, you should have IT
personnel who have the knowledge to maintain these database
servers. To use MySQL, MS SQL Server, you must purchase the
software, and install it before running Envoy8X software for the first
time. (A free version of MySQL can be downloaded from the
MySQL web site.)