Appendix a: history reports – PowerTap Joule GPS User Guide User Manual

Page 55

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Work Report and Peak Power Report


Kilojoule (1000 Joules). A Joule is unit of work equal to the work done by a force of 1 newton to move an object a distance of 1
meter. Kilojoules are a common unit used to express the total volume of work accomplished during a given workout, ride, or exercise
bout. Kilojoules are used to express the total training load. One Joule per second equals 1 watt. The average power output in watts
multiplied by the time in seconds divided by 1000 equals the total amount of work, during the specified time frame, in kilojoules.


Average Kilojoules per hour during a ride.


Training Stress Score estimating the total amount of glycogen burned on a ride.


Ratio of the normalized power to threshold power. Joule uses the mid-point between the threshold zone (zone 3) and the race pace
zone (zone 4) as the threshold power value.

Peak Power

The highest average power output that can be held for a given duration. 2. For most individuals a peak sustainable power or peak
power output lasting 4 to 8 minutes is equivalent to an intensity that elicits their VO2 max, or maximal capacity to consume oxygen.
3. For most individuals a peak sustainable power output lasting 20 to 40 minutes is equivalent to an intensity that elicits their lactate
threshold or a value of blood lactate 2 to 3 mm above their baseline blood lactate. 4. For most individuals a peak sustainable power
output lasting 40 minutes to 2 hours is equivalent to an intensity that elicits their lactate threshold, or a value of blood lactate just
above to 1 mm above their baseline blood lactate. 5. In cycling, the peak sustainable power for any given duration is analogous to
their best performance for a given time. For example, a runner might have a personal best of 5 minutes in a mile run and 35 minutes
in a 10 KM run, whereas a cyclist might have a personal best or peak sustainable power of 300 watts for 5 minutes and 240 watts
for 35 minutes.

Joule GPS User Guide page 55