PowerTap Joule GPS User Guide User Manual

Page 21

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Joule GPS User Guide page 21

TIP: The accuracy of any power meter is dependent on many variables, especially temperature. Fluctuations in temperature
affect the internal strain gauges, which can alter the reported torque value. This is significant as power is calculated from
torque. The PowerTap Auto Zero feature continually adjusts the calibration of your device, compensating, in real time, for
environmental factors like temperature, assuring that you have the most accurate power data throughout your ride.

Power Sensor

Activate Sensor

Start Pairing



Sensor ID


Circumference, mm


Auto Zero


Delete Sensor

Manual Zero

Back to Bike





There are many environmental factors that can affect the accuracy of a power meter. Temperature, humidity, and circuit
resistance are part of the measurement, but none of them remains constant while riding. The continued accuracy of a power
meter depends on its ability to take these changes into account. Auto-zero recalibrates the power meter over and over during a
ride to keep the measurements from drifting. Use the Auto or Manual Zero options in the Power Sensor screen to calibrate your
power meter, assuring you are getting the most accurate power data at all times.


Manual Zero
Torque RAW

Torque Offset

Firmware Version

Back to Sensor



Auto Zero

Manual Zero

On or Off. Typically, always On. The Auto Zero

function follows the same steps outlined for

Manual Zero but does it continually during the

ride, whenever the bike is coasting for 4 or

more seconds. If your bike is a fixed-geared

or track bicycle you may consider turning

Auto Zero off.

Calibrating or “zeroing the torque” refers to the

process of resetting the Torque Offset value of

the physical torque tube (where the internal

strain guages actually measure wheel torque).
1) Make sure the power meter is awake and

communicating with the Joule GPS. Make sure

the bike is still, with absolutely no pressure

on the pedals or tension in the chain.

2) Select Manual Zero on Power Sensor screen.

The Calbration screen will appear. Torque

RAW should be 0. The last saved Torque

Offset is displayed. The value is typically

500-524 in-lbs.

3) Select Manual Zero on Calibration Screen.

The Torque Offset value will update with the

torque tube calibration value, given the

current environmental conditions.