Verifying virtual disks from the host, Labeling and partitioning the devices – HP 6400.8400 Enterprise Virtual Array User Manual

Page 63

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Verifying virtual disks from the host

Verify that the host can access virtual disks by using the format command. See

Example 5 “Format



Example 5 Format command

# format
Searching for disks...done
c2t50001FE1002709F8d1: configured with capacity of 1008.00MB
c2t50001FE1002709F8d2: configured with capacity of 1008.00MB
c2t50001FE1002709FCd1: configured with capacity of 1008.00MB
c2t50001FE1002709FCd2: configured with capacity of 1008.00MB
c3t50001FE1002709F9d1: configured with capacity of 1008.00MB
c3t50001FE1002709F9d2: configured with capacity of 1008.00MB
c3t50001FE1002709FDd1: configured with capacity of 1008.00MB
c3t50001FE1002709FDd2: configured with capacity of 1008.00MB


0. c0t0d0 /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/sd@0,0
1. c2t50001FE1002709F8d1
2. c2t50001FE1002709F8d2
3. c2t50001FE1002709FCd1
4. c2t50001FE1002709FCd2
5. c3t50001FE1002709F9d1
6. c3t50001FE1002709F9d2
7. c3t50001FE1002709FDd1
8. c3t50001FE1002709FDd2
Specify disk (enter its number):

If you cannot access the virtual disks:

Verify the zoning.

For Oracle Solaris, verify that the correct WWPNs for the EVA (lpfc, qla2300 driver) have
been configured and the target assignment is matched in /kernel/drv/sd.conf (lpfc and
qla2300 4.13.01).

Labeling and partitioning the devices

Label and partition the new devices using the Oracle format utility:


When selecting disk devices, be careful to select the correct disk because using the

label/partition commands on disks that have data can cause data loss.


Enter the format command at the root prompt to start the utility.


Verify that all new devices are displayed. If not, enter quit or press Ctrl+D to exit the format
utility and verify that the configuration is correct (see

“Configuring virtual disks from the host”

(page 61)



Record the character-type device file names (for example, c1t2d0) for all new disks.

You will use this data to create the file systems or to use the file system with the Solaris or
Veritas Volume Manager.


When prompted to specify the disk, enter the number of the device to be labeled.

Oracle Solaris