HP 6400.8400 Enterprise Virtual Array User Manual

Page 104

background image

Table 22 Error Messages (continued)

How to Correct


Status Code Value

Resolve the suspended mode and retry
the request.

The operation cannot be performed because
the Continuous Access connection is
currently suspended

Connection is suspended

Retrieve a valid firmware image file
and retry the request.

The firmware image file has a header
checksum error.

Bad image header

Retrieve a valid firmware image file
and retry the request.

The firmware image file has a checksum

Bad image

Retrieve a valid firmware image file
and retry the request.

Invalid status for logical disk. This error is
no longer supported.

67 The firmware image file is too
Image too large

Retrieve a valid firmware image file
and retry the request

The firmware image file is incompatible with
the current firmware.

Image incompatible with system
configuration. Version conflict in
upgrade or downgrade not

Verify that the firmware image is not
corrupted and retry the firmware
download process.

The firmware image download process has
failed because of a corrupted image

Bad image segment

No action required.

The firmware version already exists on the

Image already loaded

Verify that the firmware image is not
corrupted and retry the firmware
download process.

The firmware image download process has
failed because of a failed write operation.

Image Write Error

Case 1: No action required.
Case 2: No action required.

Case 1: The operation cannot be performed
because the virtual disk or snapshot is part
of a snapshot group.
Case 2: The operation may be prevented
because a snapclone or snapshot operation

Logical Disk Sharing

Case 3: If a snapclone operation is in
progress, wait until the snapclone
operation has completed and retry the

is in progress. If a snapclone operation is in operation. Otherwise, the operation

progress, the parent virtual disk should be

cannot be performed on this virtual

discarded automatically after the operation
completes. If the parent virtual disk has

Case 4: No action required.

snapshots, then you must delete the
snapshots before the parent virtual disk can
be deleted.

Case 5: No action required.

Case 3: The operation cannot be performed
because either the previous snapclone
operation is still in progress, or the virtual
disk is already part of a snapshot group.

Case 4: A capacity change is not allowed
on a virtual disk or snapshot that is a part
of a snapshot group.

Case 5: The operation cannot be performed
because the virtual disk or snapshot is a part
of a snapshot group.

Retrieve a valid firmware image file
and retry the request.

The firmware image file is not the correct

Bad Image Size

Retry the request once the firmware
download process is complete.

The controller is currently processing a
firmware download. Retry the request once
the firmware download process is complete.

The controller is temporarily busy
and it cannot process the request.
Retry the request later.

Report the error to product support.

The disk volume specified is in a predictive
failed state.

Volume Failure Predicted

104 Error messages