HP Netserver L Server series User Manual
Page 10

Chapter 1
Setting Up the HP NetServer
LXr Pro8
3. Store the empty boxes and packing material in a safe place. This is
especially important if you plan to ship the HP NetServer elsewhere for
final installation.
4. If you have options to add to the HP NetServer’s satellite chassis
(memory, accessory boards, processor boards), remove the appropriate
access panels from the satellite. (Refer to Chapter 3.)
5. Install additional memory or memory boards in the satellite chassis.
(Refer to Chapter 5.)
6. Install PCI accessory boards in the satellite chassis. (Refer to Chapter 6.)
7. Reconnect all internal cables in the satellite chassis, and reattach all
covers and access panels. (Refer to Chapter 3.)
8. Install disk drives or tape drives in the base chassis. (Refer to Chapter 4.)
9. Familiarize yourself with the HP NetServer's controls, indicators, and
ports. (Refer to Chapter 2.)
10. Your next step depends on when and where you plan to complete the
installation process.
Do you plan to install the HP NetServer in a rack now? If so, install
the base chassis in the rack. (See Chapter 7.) Then reattach the
satellite chassis to the base chassis (Chapter 3). Cable the monitor,
keyboard, and mouse the HP NetServer (Chapter 8), and also connect
mass storage, tape drives, and other components.
Do you plan to complete configuration at another location? If so, put
the base chassis back in the packing box. Then secure the satellite
chassis to the base chassis, finish repacking, and ship the unit out.
Do you plan to configure and test the HP NetServer and other
components together without mounting them in the rack? If so, secure
the satellite chassis to the base chassis (Chapter 3), and cable the HP
NetServer to the monitor, keyboard, and mouse (Chapter 8). Also
connect mass storage, tape drives, and other components.
11. Obtain the release history of the HP NetServer Navigator CD-ROM that
came with your HP NetServer, to make sure that your Navigator CD-ROM
is the latest. (Refer to Chapter 9.)
12. Power up the HP NetServer. (Refer to Chapter 2.)