2 about shadowimage for mainframe operations, Shadowimage for mainframe components – HP XP Business Copy Software User Manual
Page 8
2 About ShadowImage for Mainframe Operations
This chapter describes ShadowImage for Mainframe operations.
“ShadowImage for Mainframe Components” (page 8)
“ShadowImage for Mainframe Operations” (page 10)
“ShadowImage for Mainframe Options” (page 25)
ShadowImage for Mainframe Components
The system for using ShadowImage for Mainframe usually contains the following components.
Pair of volumes (S-VOL and T-VOL)
Licensed ShadowImage for Mainframe program product
shows a typical ShadowImage for Mainframe configuration using Remote Web
Figure 1 ShadowImage for Mainframe Components
You operate ShadowImage for Mainframe from the Remote Web Console computer, and copy
volumes in the storage system. A volume that has original data is called an S-VOL (source volume),
and a volume to which the data is copied is called a T-VOL (target volume). A pair of the S-VOL
and the T-VOL made by ShadowImage for Mainframe is called an SIz pair.
About ShadowImage for Mainframe Operations