Restrictions, Install custom volume (cv) operation, 18 creating vsc volumes by install cv (for open-v) – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

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LUN Configuration and Security Manager XP user guide for the XP128/XP1024



The LDEV must not have a path definition, including TrueCopy (TC390), Continuous Access XP,

ShadowImage (SI390), Business Copy (BC), and Continuous Access XP Journal pair volumes.

The LDEV must not be a component of a LUSE volume. This applies to all supported emulation types

except for OPEN-V.

The LDEV must not be reserved for Auto LUN.

The access attribute must be set to Read/Write.

Install Custom Volume (CV) operation

The Install CV function defines and installs one or more VSC volumes under an existing volume (free space

in a VDEV). You can assign a specific number of physical cylinders (for mainframe systems) or MB (for

open systems) to each VSC volume for maximum control over the volume size.
When you specify the capacity and the emulation type other than OPEN-V for a VSC volume to be

created, the Install CV function automatically creates and formats the VSC volume in sufficient free space.

You must specify a new CU number and LDEV number for the created VSC volume. The created VSC

volume contains the user-specified number of user cylinders and a predetermined number of control

cylinders by the emulation type.
If you select free space and perform an Install CV operation, VSC volumes will be created only in the

selected free space.
For OPEN-V volumes, there are four ways to create VSC volumes (

Table 18

). You can specify from 46 MB

(50 cylinders) up to the maximum capacity of VDEV for the capacity of a volume. If the specified capacity

exceeds 60 gigabytes (65,535 cylinders), the Install CV function creates the volume in LUSE configuration

When there is only one free space in the VDEV, you can use any method to create VSC volumes. When

there are two or more free spaces, you can use the first method only. The other methods are not available.


Virtual LUN operations are not available for OPEN-L volumes.


Volume Management functions are not available for OPEN-L and OPEN-M volumes.


Allocating custom volumes in descending order of capacity optimizes custom volume allocation

during the Install CV process.

Table 18

Creating VSC volumes by Install CV (for OPEN-V)


Install CV method



Specify size and number

Used to specify the capacity and the number of custom volumes in the

VSC volume that you want to create.


Divide free space by number

Used to create VSC volumes by specifying the number of custom

volumes in the VSC volume to be created.


Divide free space by size

Used to create VSC volumes by specifying the capacity of custom

volumes in the VSC volume to be created.


Set remaining space as volume

Used to create a VSC volume using the remaining space on the VDEV.