Index – HP Photosmart C6280 All-in-One Printer User Manual

Page 184

background image



10 x 15 cm photo paper

copy 86
load 38
specifications 175

2 pages on 1, print 57
4 pages on 1, print 57
4 x 6 inch (10 x 15 cm)

borderless photos

print 53

4 x 6 inch photo paper

copy 86

4 x 6 inch photo paper, load 38
802.3 wired, configuration

page 27


A4 paper, load 37
addresses, print 60
admin password 27
advanced network settings 23
after the support period 171
align printer 102


best copy quality 88

copy 149
scan 143

blocked print head 116
booklet printing 56
borderless copies 90
borderless photos

copy has borders 148
crop is wrong 149
print 53

brightness, change in print 49
Browsing photos 16
buttons, control panel 7



button 7
copy 93
print job 62
scan 83

cartridges. See ink cartridges
CAT-5 Ethernet cable 20
choose paper 34

exterior 98
glass 97
ink cartridge contacts 104
lid backing 98
print head 103


dull 128
smeared 126

color graphics display

copy preview 85
crop original 92
shift margin 92

color tone, change in print 49
communication problems

test failed 159
two-way communication

lost 161

config source (802.3 wired) 28
configuration page

802.3 wired 27
general information 27


wired network (Ethernet) 19

connection problems

device not found 160
HP All-in-One does not turn

on 113

connection types supported

Ethernet 18
printer sharing 18

control panel

buttons 7
features 7
overview 6


blank 149
borderless has borders 148
borderless photo 90
cancel 93
crop 92
crop is wrong 149
default settings 89

enlarge 91
fit to page fails 147
make a copy 85
margin shift 92
menu 11
missing information 147
number of copies 86
paper size 86
paper types,

recommended 87

photos, enhance 92
preview 85
quality 88
reduce 91
size, custom 91
smeared 126
specifications 176
speed 88
text, enhance 92
too dark 146
too light 146
troubleshooting 145

country/region, set 15

borderless copy is

wrong 149

fails 154

crop an original 92
crop photos 73
customer support

warranty 169, 171


damaged, ink cartridge 163
dark copy 146

copies 89

declaration of conformity

European Economic

Area 182

United States 182

default gateway (802.3

wired) 28

default printer, set as 46
default settings

restore 16


