Upgrading ilo 2 using a browser – HP Integrated Lights-Out User Manual

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Configuring iLO 2 24

Firmware Maintenance CD-ROM—Download the component to create a bootable CD that contains

many firmware updates for ProLiant servers and options.

Scripting with CPQLOCFG—Download the CPQLOCFG component to get the network-based
scripting utility, CPQLOCFG. CPQLOCFG enables you to use RIBCL scripts that perform firmware

updates, iLO 2 configuration, and iLO 2 operations in bulk, securely over the network. Linux users
should consider reviewing the HP Lights-Out XML PERL Scripting Samples for Linux.

Scripting with HPONCFG—Download the HPONCFG component to get the host-based scripting
utility, HPONCFG. This utility enables you to use RIBCL scripts that perform firmware updates, Lights-

Out processor configuration and operations in bulk, from Administrator or root account access on

supported host operating systems.

HP Directories Support for Management Processors—-Download the HP Directories Support for
Management Processors executable file to get the directory support components. One of the

components, HPLOMIG, can be used to discover iLO, iLO 2, RILOE, and RILOE II processors, and
update their firmware. You do not have to use directory integration to take advantage of this


Upgrading iLO 2 using a browser

You can complete the firmware upgrade from any network client using a supported browser. You must

have the Update iLO 2 Firmware privilege to upgrade the iLO 2 firmware. The most recent firmware for

iLO 2 is available on the HP website (


To upgrade the iLO 2 firmware using a supported browser:


Log in to iLO 2 using an account that has the Configure iLO 2 Settings privilege.


Click Administration>Upgrade iLO 2 Firmware. The Upgrade iLO 2 Firmware page appears.


Enter the file name in the New firmware image field or browse for the file.


Click Send firmware image. The firmware upgrade takes a few minutes. A progress bar displays the
progress of the firmware upgrade.

Do not interrupt an Upgrade iLO 2 Firmware session. The iLO 2 system automatically resets after a

successful firmware upgrade. The iLO 2 system reset does not affect the host operating system and server.