Integrations for web container, Invoking ejbs, Integrations for web – HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
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Change the authentication details : Username
Change the authentication details : Password
Open the <temp>/META-INF/ironjacamar.xml and change the following properties in
Change the URL to point to the NSMQ listen URL
Change the client ID
Change the authentication details : Username
Change the authentication details : Password
Map the JNDI names with the physical names of destinations to be used by
For example,
Integrations for Web Container
Invoking EJBs
NSASJ allows Servlets and EJBs to be deployed. It also provides actual isolation of classes due to
its modular class loading architecture. The default isolation levels can be changed through
configuration. To allow Servlets in the web container to invoke EJBs deployed in the NSASJ instance’s
EJB container, the EJBs must not be isolated from the Servlets. This is achieved either by packaging
them together in an EAR or by making sure that the EJB interface is available for the Servlet.
The best practice is to have all APIs and Interfaces in a separate jar and make it as a dependency
for the web application, so that the modules are looked up. The lookup can be through JNDI lookup
or through CDI using annotations such as @EJB. There are no specific configuration changes to
NSASJ’s domain.xml.
Integrations for Web Container