HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual

Page 52

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Table 12 Components of EJB3 (continued)



The following is the attribute for the same:resource-adapter-name: This
is the name of the resource adapter deployment. The default value is

This element is used to configure the instance pool that is used by default for
Message Driven Beans. If this element is not present, then MDBs are not


pooled and a new instance is created for every invocation. The value is a
pool that is configured in the pools element.

This element defines the bean instance pools. NSASJ (inherited from JBoss)
supports only one type of pool that is StrictMaxPool. This is represented


by the element strict-max-pool. A StrictMaxPool allows you to
configure a maximum upper limit for the pool. At runtime, when all the bean
instances from the pool are in use, and a new bean invocation request comes
in, the pool blocks the request till the next bean instance is available, or till
a timeout (set in instance-acquisition-timeout) is reached.

This element defines cache elements. In the default configuration, the cache
definitions are used to store the state of a Stateful Bean.


The passivation-stores is used to store the state of a Stateful EJB when
the container passivates the bean. In the default configuration, the cache
clusters is used as the passivation store.


An EJB client can achieve asynchronous invocation behavior by invoking
session bean methods that are designed to support asynchrony. The following


is the attribute for the same: thread-pool-name: This is the name of the
thread pool (configured using the thread-pools element) that the container
uses to invoke the EJB method.

For more information, see EJB 3.1 Framework Specification.

This element enables the EJB timer service. The following is the attribute for
the same:thread-pool-name: This is the name of the thread pool


(configured using the thread-pools element) that the container uses to
invoke the timeout method.

This element is used to configure the directory where the persistent timer
information is saved. The following are the attributes for the same:



: The directory where the persistent timer information needs to be

stored. If the path is not an absolute path, then its related to the directory
mentioned in the relative-to attribute. For example,



: Refer to the description of the path attribute. For example


This element is used to enable remote EJB invocations. The following are the
attributes for the same:



: This is the name of the thread pool (configured

using the thread-pools element) that the container uses to invoke the EJB


: This is the name of the connector that is configured in

the remoting subsystem.

The connector itself is based on JBoss Remoting and XNIO. This element
provides a way to configure the remoting channel itself. This element supports
child elements by name option which supports the following attributes:



: This attribute indicates the type of option that needs to be set. It

can have only two values namely, xnio or remoting. If it is xnio, then the
name of the option needs to be defined in org.xnio.Options class.


Configuring NSASJ

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