HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 35

If you want to specify a custom NSASJ installation directory, enter the name when the following
message is displayed: Enter a name for the NSASJ installation directory
[nsasj]: product
The directory product does not exist, do you want to create it (n
or [y]):
Press y to create a custom directory.
On successful creation of custom directory, the following message is displayed:
Successfully created directory product.
The directory created in step 4 is where NSASJ is installed and is referred as
in the rest of the document.
Enter the IP address of the target machine when the following message is displayed: Enter
the IP address on which remote objects (such as EJB) and certain
container services can be accessed. []:
The IP address is derived from the subnet defined for the default TCP/IP provider.
The default TCP/IP provider is read from the TCPIP^PROCESS^NAME define. If a define does
not exist, then the TCP/IP provider is assumed to be $ZTC0.
Enter the base port number when the following message is displayed: NOTE: An NSASJ
installation uses multiple TCP sockets. The socket ports will be
derived from a base port. Enter the Base Port [3000]: 3450
NSASJ uses 11 sequential ports from the base port number.
Do you want to use standard HTTP port ( 80) ? (n or [y]):
This is specific to NSASJ 1.1 for web module. If y is selected, the NSASJ web
container is on port 80. You must be a super user to bind to port 80. If you select n, the default
port for HTTP requests is base port + 9.
Do you want to use Standard port for https(443)? (n or [y]):
This is specific to NSASJ 1.1 for web module to run the NSASJ web container at
port 443. If you select n, then the default port for HTTPS requests is base port + 10. You must
be a super user to bind to port 443.
Enter the Multicast/Group address when the following message is displayed: Enter the
Multicast/Group address on which Infinispan HotRod servers would
form a cluster . []
If you are not sure about the address to be used, it is recommended to use the default
address. Moreover, the Infinispan HotRod server forms a cluster, and a multicast address is
required to form a cluster. The multicast port is derived from the base port.
Enter the NSJ directory when the following message is displayed: Enter the directory
for NonStop(tm) Server for Java(tm) [/usr/tandem/nssjava/jdk
or press Enter to use the default directory.
The default value is derived from the environment variable JAVA_HOME. If it does
not exist, then the default value displayed is /usr/tandem/nssjava/jdk_170_h70.
Do you want NSASJ server to run in 64-bit mode? (y or [n]): y
Selecting y configures NSASJ servers in 64-bit mode. Selecting n or pressing enter
results in NSASJ server running in 32-bit mode.
Creating an NSASJ installation