Ejb3 subsystem – HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
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EJB3 subsystem
The schema definition for the EJB3 subsystem can be found in the file jboss-as-ejb3_1_3.xsd
in the docs/schema folder of the NSASJ installation. The following is a snippet from domain.xml:
<bean-instance-pool-ref pool-name="slsb-strict-max-pool"/>
<stateful default-access-timeout="5000" cache-ref="simple" clustered-cache-ref="clustered"/>
<singleton default-access-timeout="5000"/>
<resource-adapter-ref resource-adapter-name="nsmq-rar-1.0"/>
<thread-pool name="default">
Table 12 Components of EJB3
This element is used to configure the instance pool used by default for Stateless
Session Beans. If this element is not present, then the state less beans are not
pooled, and a new instance is created for every invocation. The value is a
pool that is configured in the pools element.
The pool size is closely associated with the number of concurrent
requests that an NSASJ instance is configured to handle. The number of
concurrent requests is regulated by MAXLINKS.
This element is used to configure Stateful Session Beans. The following are
the attributes for the same:
: This attribute is used when there are
multiple concurrent invocations on the same stateful bean instance. This
value indicates the time in milliseconds. A request waits to get a lock on
the bean instance before throwing a timeout exception. The value can be
overridden by using the javax.ejb.AccessTimeout annotation.
: This attribute is used to set the default cache for non clustered
: This attribute is used to set the default cache
for clustered beans.
In this release of NSASJ, the @Clustered JBoss annotation is not
This element is used to configure the Singleton Session Beans. The following
is the attribute for the same:default-access-timeout: This attribute is
used when there are multiple concurrent invocations on a singleton bean
instance. This value indicates the time in milliseconds, and a request waits
to get a lock on the bean instance before throwing a timeout exception. The
value can be overridden by using the javax.ejb.AccessTimeout
This element defines the default resource adapter to use for Message Driven
Beans. NSASJ is well integrated with NSMQ, a JMS implementation on
NonStop. NSASJ just like JBoss, can work with any other standard JMS
NSASJ is not certified on any JMS provider other than NSMQ.
EJB3 subsystem