C frequently asked questions – HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
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C Frequently asked questions
How do I know when the server has completely started and ready to service requests?
Look at the server.log file in <NSASJ_HOME>/domain/servers/nsasj-server/log
folder. A message like
JBoss AS 7.1.2.Final "Steropes" started in 6155ms - Started 119 of 179 services (60 services are passive
or on-demand)
indicates that the server is started and ready to process requests.
Is there a way to know what NonStop processes constitute my NSASJ environment?
Yes. The names of the server processes that constitute the domain indicate the name of the
server processes on NonStop. The names of the nodes are in the format
. The nodes of a domain can be obtained by executing the
operation read-children-names of child-type=server in CLI. The full command is
. The following is
sample result of executing the command:
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => [
In this sample output there are 4 NonStop processes that constitute NSASJ domain. The other
processes that constitute an NSASJ environment are the Post Master instances, Host Controller
instance and the Cache server instances. The only way to get the process names of these
processes is by using the status server *,detail command in the pathcom prompt.
The CLI does not give information on these processes.
How do I deploy applications on NSASJ?
There are different ways to deploy an application on NSASJ.
Applications can be deployed through CLI. In the GUI CLI the Meta Commands file menu
option can be used to deploy applications.
Applications can be deployed using the CLI in non-GUI mode too. This is explained in
Applications can be deployed from a development environment using JBoss maven plugin.
This is explained in
To invoke an EJB remotely I need to construct the JNDI name of the remote object. How do I
know the values of the constituents (such as app name, module name, distinct name) of the
JNDI name?
This information can be obtained from CLI from any running server instance by executing the
command jndi-view on the namingsubsystem. A sample command is
The following is the snippet of the output of executing this command:
"applications" => {"helloworld.jar" => {
"HelloWorldImpl" => {
"class-name" => "$Proxy31",
"value" => "Proxy for remote EJB StatelessEJBLocator{appName='',
moduleName='helloworld', distinctName='', beanName='HelloWorldImpl', view='interface