HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 36

Enter the name of the pathmon when the following message is displayed: Enter the
pathmon name [$NSASJ]: $DOC
The start script which is used to setup the pathway environment uses this as the
pathmon name. All NSASJ serverclasses are configured in this pathmon.
Enter the name of the NSASJ deployment when the following message is displayed: Enter
the NSASJ deployment name for this installation. The deployment name
may have from 1 to 6 alphanumeric or hyphen characters and must
start with a letter [nsasj]:
or press Enter to use the default value.
The NSASJ deployment name is used to derive names of serverclasses used in an
NSASJ installation.
Do you want to provide a process name identifier for the NSASJ-Server
instances(y or [n])y
Selecting y configures NSASJ Server instances as named servers with process name
beginning with the specified identifier. Selecting n or pressing enter results in pathway
generating the process name of NSASJ Server Instances.
Enter the process identifier string for the NSASJ Server instances when the following message
is displayed: Enter the process name identifier for NSASJ-SERVER
instances. The identifier may have 1 to 3 alphanumeric characters
and must start with a letter:[srv]
or press Enter to use the default value.
The following is a sample which displays the installation information provided at the prompt:
NSASJ installation directory: /home/usr/nsasj
NonStop(tm) Server for Java(tm) directory: /usr/tandem/nssjava/jdk170_h70
NSASJ Serverclass name is : nsasj-SERVER
Host Controller serverclass name is: nsasj-HC
PostMaster serverclass name is: nsasj-PM
Infinispan HotRod Server 1 serverclass name is: nsasj-CACHE-1
Infinispan HotRod Server 2 serverclass name is: nsasj-CACHE-2
The IP address on which remote objects (such as EJB) and certain container servi
ces can be accessed :
Remoting Port on which EJBs and other remote objects can be accessed : 3450
Transaction Recovery Port: 3451
Transaction Status Manager Port : 3452
Management Native Port on which the management services are available : 3453
HTTP Port on which servlets and JSP pages can be accessed : 3459
HTTP Secure Port on which servlets and JSP pages can be accessed : 3460
Management Console Port on which the management services are available : 3461
Enter y to proceed with the installation, or n to restart and make changes at the terminal when
the following message is displayed: Do you want to proceed with the
installation (n or [y]):y
Creating custom configuration for the current NSASJ installation...
Copying contents from /usr/tandem/nsasj/ T0950H01_21MAR2014_AAE
to /usr/tandem/webserver/nsasj
This will take a while. Please wait.....
Successfully copied the required contents to /usr/tandem/webserver/nsasj
Creating the necessary links...
Copying JToolkit jar to com.hp.nsk.utils module...
Copying XARM jar to com.hp.nsk.xares.wrapper module...
NOTE: It is advised that the atleast one user should be added to the Application
Realm and Management Realm
NOTE: It is advised that the atleast one user should be added to the Application
Realm and Management Realm.
Perform steps 12 to 16 to configure either management or application users for NSASJ.
Do you want to configure a new user and password (n or [y]):
NOTE: You cannot quit the script using the 'quit' option while adding users.
Installing NSASJ