HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 110

It is possible for the application to provide its own election policy to pick the master. NSASJ
has made the TS/MP related changes to the default election policy chosen by the JEE container.
The application that is hosted in the above mentioned JBoss Web site is written for JBoss AS
7.2 while NSASJ is a port of JBoss 7.1.2. If the application is built as is, and is deployed in
NSASJ, a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError is returned. The method
used in the HATimerServiceActivator class of the
example is deprecated in 7.1.3 and discontinued in 7.2.x versions. To overcome this problem,
version of JBoss as mentioned in the pom.xml has to be modified to 7.1.1.FINAL. If a build
of JBoss 7.1.2.FINAL is available and installed in the maven repository, then 7.1.2.FINAL too
can be used instead of 7.1.1.FINAL. It must be noted that JBoss 7.1.2.FINAL is not officially
hosted on the maven repositories of JBoss.
Singleton service