HP Color LaserJet CM2320 Multifunction Printer series User Manual

Page 282

background image

sRGB 91, 94
troubleshooting 223

color themes 91
color, scanning settings 107
colored text

print as black 70

comparison, product models 1
configuration page

printing 168


print density 177

contrast settings

copy 80
fax 125

control panel

cleaning page, printing 191
HP ToolboxFX system

settings 178

menus 10

troubleshooting 203

settings 31, 36
supplies status, checking

from 183

copies, number of

Windows 70

copy menu 24

books 83
canceling 76
changing default number 76
collating 78
contrast, adjusting 80
double-sided 85
edge-to-edge 80
enlarging 77
light/dark settings 80
loading ADF 74
loading flatbed scanner 75
media settings 81
media sizes 81
media types 81
media, troubleshooting 229
mixed-size originals 85
multiple copies 76
one-sided to two-sided 85
one-touch 76
photos 84
quality, adjusting 79
quality, troubleshooting 228

reducing 77
restore default settings 82
setup menu 10
size, troubleshooting 231
troubleshooting 231
two-sided setting,

changing 86

two-sided to two-sided 86
two-sided, manually 87

cover pages 39, 69
creases, troubleshooting 222
crooked pages 222, 225
curled media 222
custom-size copies 77
custom-size paper settings

Macintosh 39

customer support

online 252


dark copying 229
darkness, contrast settings

copy 80
fax 125

default settings

changing, memory card 162

defaults, restoring 202
delaying fax sending 144
deleting faxes from memory 134
demo page, printing 168
density settings 177
destinations, add scan

Windows 101

device discovery over

network“ 47

device polling 178
device status

Macintosh Services tab 41

dial-tone detection settings 124

from a telephone 144
manually 138
pauses, inserting 120
prefixes, inserting 123
redial manually 139
redialing automatically,

settings 124

tone or pulse settings 127
troubleshooting 154


media 55


adding 189
part numbers 247

disposal, end-of-life 260
distinctive-ring settings 130
dots per inch (dpi)

fax 125, 126
HP ImageREt 3600 94
specifications 3

dots, troubleshooting 219
double-sided copying 85
double-sided printing 41
dpi (dots per inch)

fax 125, 126
faxing 15
HP ImageREt 3600 94
scanning 107
specifications 3


Macintosh settings 39

troubleshooting 240

presets (Macintosh) 39
settings 31, 36
shortcuts (Windows) 69
specifications 3
supported 28
universal 28
Windows, opening 69

duplex printing

Windows 70



setting alerts in

HP ToolboxFX 171

e-mail alerts, setting up 170
e-mail, scanning to

Macintosh 42
resolution settings 108
Windows 102

Edge Control 91
edge-to-edge printing 80
electrical specifications 254
electronic faxes

sending 142

embedded Web server 32, 37

270 Index