B regulatory information, Belarus kazakhstan russia marking, Turkey rohs material content declaration – HP StoreOnce Backup User Manual

Page 151: Ukraine rohs material content declaration, Warranty information, Manufacturer and local representative information, Hp proliant and x86 servers and options

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B Regulatory information

For important safety, environmental, and regulatory information, see Safety and Compliance
Information for Server, Storage, Power, Networking, and Rack Products
, available at



Belarus Kazakhstan Russia marking

Manufacturer and Local Representative Information

Manufacturer’s information:

Hewlett-Packard Company, 3000 Hanover Street, Palo Alto, California 94304, U.S.

Local Representative information Russian:

HP Russia: ЗАО “Хьюлетт-Паккард А.О.”, 125171, Россия, г. Москва, Ленинградское
шоссе, 16А, стр.3, тел/факс: +7 (495) 797 35 00, +7 (495) 287 89 05

HP Belarus: ИООО «Хьюлетт-Паккард Бел», 220030, Беларусь, г. Минск, ул.
Интернациональная, 36-1, офис 722-723, тел.: +375 (17) 392 28 18, факс: +375 (17)
392 28 21

HP Kazakhstan: ТОО «Хьюлетт-Паккард (К), 050040, Казахстан, г. Алматы, Бостандыкский
район, ул. Тимирязева, 28В, 1 этаж, тел./факс: +7 (727) 355 35 50, +7 (727) 355 35

Local Representative information Kazakh:

HP Kazakhstan: ЖШС «Хьюлетт-Паккард (К)», Қазақстан, Алматы қ., Бостандық ауданы,
Тимирязев к-сі, 28В, тел./факс: +7 (727) 355 35 50, +7 (727) 355 35 51

Manufacturing date:
The manufacturing date is defined by the serial number.
CCSYWWZZZZ (HP serial number format for this product)
Valid date formats include:

YWW, where Y indicates the year counting from within each new decade, with 2000 as the
starting point; for example, 238: 2 for 2002 and 38 for the week of September 9. In addition,
2010 is indicated by 0, 2011 by 1, 2012 by 2, 2013 by 3, and so forth.

YYWW, where YY indicates the year, using a base year of 2000; for example, 0238: 02
for 2002 and 38 for the week of September 9.

Turkey RoHS material content declaration

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti: EEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur

Ukraine RoHS material content declaration

Обладнання відповідає вимогам Технічного регламенту щодо обмеження використання деяких
небезпечних речовин в електричному та електронному обладнанні, затвердженого постановою
Кабінету Міністрів України від 3 грудня 2008 № 1057

Warranty information

HP ProLiant and X86 Servers and Options

Belarus Kazakhstan Russia marking