2 functions and settings, 2-1 runtime admin, Figure 3-21 runtime admin – HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 39: Runtime admin, Section. parameters such

WVP NonStop Storage Analyzer User Guide – 536988-001
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3-2 Functions and Settings
3-2-1 Runtime Admin
The Runtime Admin settings can be changed by accessing the configuration screen via Web
Viewpoint by clicking on the Admin-> SA Runtime Admin and selecting the Runtime tab (selected by
default) as shown below:
Figure 3-21 RunTime Admin
The Runtime Admin lets the user with admin privilege change the runtime configuration of the SA
Host. The runtime configurations are stored in SACNFG file, located in the Storage Analyzer sub
volume. The following details can be changed:
Run hour/min – the time at which the collection should run for the specified day(s). The default
is 23:59
Run days – the days at which the collection should run, starting at the specified time. By default,
all days are checked.
CPU(s) – the CPU(s) to use during collection. At least one of the CPU(s) needs to be selected
and provided with a valid process priority value. By default, CPU 00 is checked with a Process
Priority value of 142.
Process Priority – the priority of the SA Host process running on the selected CPU. Valid range
is 2-180. If the corresponding CPU is checked, its Process Priority value cannot be left blank.
Store Archive – the volume in which the daily database files will be stored. The data for a
particular day will be stored in sub volumes which follow the naming convention: “SAyymmdd”,
where yy, mm and dd denote 2 digits of the year, month and day respectively. For example, if
the Store Archive is chosen as $DATA3, then for a date 23Sep2009, the data files will be stored
in $DATA3.SA090923. The default location is the Storage Analyzer installation volume.
Retention days – the maximum number of days to retain data collection. Valid range is 1-180.
This is a required field. The default value is 180 days.
The changes in the value of this field also affect the matrix in the Runlog Admin. If the retention
period is set to “x” then data will be retained for a period of “Today – x days” to “Today”
This would result in the deletion of all pre-retention data stored in <$SVol>.
retention also triggers updating various files on the SA install subvol where archived information
is stored.
Older than days- only the files that have not been opened for the specified number of days (or
more) will be collected. This is a required field. Valid range is 0-32767. The default value is set