2 install process overview, 2-1 general, 2-2 upgrade considerations – HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 14: 2-3 uninstall considerations, 3 getting started

WVP NonStop Storage Analyzer User Guide – 536988-001
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1-2 Install Process Overview
1-2-1 General
There are three ways to install the product, they are: wizard installation, manual installation and
through IPSETUP.
Wizard Installation is the recommended install process; see
on Wizard Installation for
details. Wizard Installation will guide you through a step by step process allowing you to set
parameters as you move along the installation.
Refer to
for manual installation. With manual installation, you are required to transfer
files and run a process to change Web ViewPoint’s config, startup, stop files.
Lastly, there is IPSETUP.exe to install via DSM/SCM. Refer to
for more information on
Important note: It is important to read the README to make sure all of the prerequisites and
dependencies are addressed before starting the install process.
1-2-2 Upgrade Considerations
If you have an existing installation of Storage Analyzer, you will need to uninstall it first before
installing a new version.
1-2-3 Uninstall Considerations
If SA was installed using the Wizard Install method, then the WVP configuration files have
to be modified manually to uninstall SA completely.
If SA was installed using the Manual Install method, then refer to
uninstall instructions.
During uninstall, be aware that in addition to the key-sequenced meta data files created in the
SA installation sub volume viz. ALDEFFX, ALDEFDD, ALDEFFD, ALDEFFH, DDAILY,
DFRAGF, DMATRIX, DRUNLOG, DSUBVOLS, SACNFG, other data files, in the collection
sub volumes, .SAyymmdd.FFILES (sub volume.filenames), may be created in the volume
specified on SA Runtime Admin Configuration screen. Consider the deletion of these files
while uninstalling SA.
1-3 Getting Started
Some basic information about your NonStop node that is needed before you start your install:
IP or Fully Qualified DNS Name
Installation Volume and Sub volume (target directory)
User Name and Password