HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 34

Installation and Configuration
WVP NonStop Storage Analyzer User Guide – 536988-001
- 34 -
Table 5 Configuration Options and Descriptions
Item UI
Possible Values
Generate EMS
Event or not
YES / NO - by
checking or un-
checking the
option.(Default is NO)
This indicates if an EMS Event must be generated
when any of the alert criterions matches.
Run days
each of the days in
the week (Default all
7 days are checked).
Days when alert threshold should be checked.
% Used &
severity level
Positive Integer (0-
100) Not selected by
This is the threshold value for the used % of the
disk; if used % is equal or greater than this value,
alert is generated. Also, the
for this
alert criterion could be specified.
Daily Growth &
severity level.
Positive Integer (0-
1000) Not selected
by default.
This is the threshold value for the daily growth (GB)
of the disk; if daily growth is equal or greater than
this value, alert is generated. Also, the
for this alert criterion could be specified.
Days to 90% &
severity level.
Positive Integer (0-
365) Not selected by
This is the threshold value for the days to 90% of
the disk; if days to 90% is equal or less than this
value, alert is generated. Also, the
this alert criterion could be specified.
Days to 100% &
severity level.
Positive Integer (0-
365) Not selected by
This is the threshold value for the days to 100% of
the disk; if days to 100% is equal or less than this
value, alert is generated. Also, the
this alert criterion could be specified.
Free Extents &
severity level.
Positive Integer (0-
10000000) Not
selected by default.
This is the threshold value for the free extents of
the disk; if free extents value is equal or greater
than this value, alert is generated. Also, the
for this alert criterion could be specified.
Index Level &
severity level.
Positive Integer. Not
selected by default.
This is the threshold value for the index level of the
disk/file(s); if index level is equal or greater than
this value, alert is generated. Also, the
for this alert criterion could be specified.
Notify New
PROGID Files &
severity level.
YES / NO –by
the option. Not
selected by default.
This is the notification if the disk has a new
PROGID’d file; if there is a new PROGID’d file, alert
notification is generated. Also, the
this alert criterion could be specified.
Notify New
Licensed Files &
severity level.
YES / NO –by
the option. Not
selected by default.
This is the notification if the disk has a new licensed
file; if there is a new licensed file, alert notification is
generated. Also, the
criterion could be specified.
Notify Corrupt
Files & severity
YES / NO –by
the option. Not
selected by default.
This is the notification if the disk has a corrupt file; if
there is a corrupt file, alert notification is generated.
Also, the
for this alert criterion could
be specified.
Files Over 90% &
severity level.
YES / NO –by
the option. Not
selected by default.
This is the notification if the disk has a file that is
90%-99% full; if there is a file that is 90%-99% full,
alert notification is generated. Also, the
for this alert criterion could be specified.
Full Files &
severity level.
YES / NO –by
the option. Not
selected by default.
This is the notification if the disk has a file that is
full; if there is a file that is full, alert notification is
generated. Also, the
criterion could be specified.