HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual

Page 104

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WVP NonStop Storage Analyzer User Guide – 536988-001

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Cause: The file could not be created using the Guardian Procedure call FILE_CREATE_. The EMS
Event indicates the file name and the corresponding Guardian Error returned by the Guardian
Procedure Call.

Effect: Any succeeding operation (READ/ WRITE) on the file will fail.

Recovery: If the file is corrupted, then try to recreate the file with the same parameters. Please
consult the


file to check whether the file is created at startup. If it is, then follow the steps in

the corresponding MAKE file to recreate the file.


: Error opening File :

Relating to function or activity: The File could not be opened to perform I/O Operation.

Cause: The file could not be opened. The EMS Event indicates the error value returned by the
Guardian Procedure call FILE_OPEN_.

Effect: Any future I/O Operations on the file will fail.

Recovery: Make sure that the file exists before being opened. If the max numbers of File Opens have
been reached, then close all open file handles and then try again.


: Error Reading file :

Relating to function or activity: Reading from a key-sequenced file (database file) to access contents.

Cause: Occurs on the “READX” Guardian procedure call. The Guardian error number indicating what
the cause was is part of the event text. This error condition could occur due to various reasons, for
e.g. the operation timed out (Error 40).

Effect: If the error occurs on the SA Host program, the daily database updates or the one-time loads
will not be completed. If the error occurs on the UI, the screen or data requested will not be displayed.

Recovery: Recovery will depend on the specific Guardian error returned. For e.g. Error 11 can be
recovered from by ensuring the file exists in its proper location or that the program is pointing to the
right volume. This error on READX means the file was moved or purged after the open but before the


: FILE_PURGE_ error:

Relating to function or activity: Purging /deleting key sequenced data files after their expiration period
as configured in the

Runtime Admin

, retention period field.

Cause: Occurs on the “FILE_PURGE_ “procedure. The Guardian error number indicating what the
cause was is part of the event text. This could occur due to various reasons, for e.g. Error 48 for a file
security error.

Effect: The data files will not be deleted even after their retention period has expired.

Recovery: Recovery will depend on the specific Guardian error returned. For e.g. Error 48 means the
process owner is different than the where the owner was who created the file. To correct this, run the
process on another processor.


: Error Setting Key for file :

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