What is the support ticket – HP e-PC c10s10 User Manual
Page 64
7 The Support Ticket
What is the Support Ticket?
What is the Support Ticket?
The Support Ticket is a text file that contains a complete record of the test results and
the computer’s configuration information. It is the most effective way of communicating
this essential information to your support provider. If necessary, you can email or fax
the Support Ticket to your support provider.
e-Diagtools Error Codes
The Support Ticket contains the list of all errors encountered. Each error message is
listed with error code and recommended actions. By contrast, the e-Diagtools screen
displays only one error message with its corresponding recommendations. No error
code is displayed. For a full list of error codes and recommendations, refer to the
e-Diagtools Administrator’s Guide, available on the support web site (refer to page 6
for web addresses).
Hardware Traceability
This is a new feature of e-Diagtools and is reported in the Support Ticket. It is useful for
tracking changes to the computer’s hardware. e-Diagtools compares the computer’s
current hardware configuration with the system configuration history. It then reports:
Changes to the hardware configuration since the first time e-Diagtools was run
Changes to the hardware configuration since the last time e-Diagtools was run.
For example, if you install or remove an add-on accessory card, this will be reported in
the Support Ticket.