Summary of cartridges by status – HP 9000 Virtual Library System User Manual

Page 80

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Cartridges in this category can also be listed in the following categories: Mirror Failed,
Pending, Mirror Active, In Use/Deduplicating, and Waiting for Policy Window. This category
displays a green (no cartridges in this category) or red (one or more cartridges in this category)

Mirror failed — Corrective action needed — contains cartridges for which the copy to the
mirror has failed. This category displays a green (no cartridges in this category) or red (one
or more cartridges in this category ) icon.

Not migrated in Deduplication timeout limit/Forced Copies — contains cartridges that have
not successfully migrated in the deduplication timeout limit and cartridges currently being
“forced” into a whole cartridge (non-deduplicated) copy.

In Use/Deduplicating — contains cartridges that are currently being used by the system.

Pending — contains cartridges that are ready for copy but have not started, for example,
because the system does not have enough resources available or because they are waiting
for the dependent cartridges to replicate.

Paused — contains cartridges that have been paused.

Waiting for policy window — contains cartridges that are waiting for the policy window to
open for replication to begin.

Mirror Active — contains cartridges that are currently copying to the destination library.

Mirror Complete — contains cartridges that have completed copying to the destination library.

Waiting for first backup — contains cartridges that do not yet have a stored backup.

Initializing — contains cartridges that are currently initializing.

Target Copy Pool Summary:

Mirror Active — contains cartridges that are currently copying to the mirror.

Mirror Complete — contains cartridges that have completed copying to the mirror.

Use the Group By menu to filter the status list, or click a particular status to view the summary list
of cartridges that it contains.

Summary of Cartridges by Status

Selecting a particular status from the Cartridge Status screen opens the Summary of
Cartridges screen. The summary screen displays the cartridge barcodes and other information such
as the local library and destination library for each cartridge.

There are a number of tasks available in the task bar of the cartridge summary screens, and the
tasks displayed depend on the Cartridge Status category in which the cartridges belong.

Copy Now — see

Forcing a Replication Job (page 69)


Non Deduplicated Copy — see

Copying the Whole Cartridge Outside of the Policy

Window (page 75)


Forced Non Deduplicated Copy — see

Copying the Whole Cartridge Outside of the Policy

Window (page 75)


Reset Deduplication Timer — resets the system's timer (default is 48 hours). If the time limit is
reached again, the system forces a whole cartridge replication.

Refresh — refreshes the current screen.

Restart Broken Mirror — see

Restarting a Broken Mirror (page 61)


Restore Media — see

Restoring from a LAN/WAN Virtual Cartridge (page 60)


Pause Job — pause one or more Mirror jobs. See

(page 76)


