Starting and reviewing background jobs – HP 9000 Virtual Library System User Manual
Page 157

If you want to choose which nodes will be tested, follow the steps below. Otherwise, all
available nodes are selected by default.
Click the Select Nodes link.
Select the nodes you want to test.
Click Done.
If you want to choose by barcodes which cartridges to read , follow the steps below. Otherwise,
all cartridges are read by default.
Select Read by BarCode.
Enter a search pattern in the empty field. A search pattern filters the barcodes to just those
you want to the Storage Exerciser to read. You can use the following characters to enter
a regular expression:
* = zero or more characters (standard wildcard)
For example, enter *AB* to include all cartridges whose barcode contains the string
“AB” anywhere in the barcode, or enter AB* to include all cartridges whose barcode
begins with “AB.”
? = any single character
For example, enter AB?CD to include all cartridges whose barcode begins with “AB,”
ends with “CD,” and has any single character between “AB” and “CD.”
Click Find.
If you are not satisfied with the list of barcodes to read, enter a new search pattern in the
Barcode Regular Expression field at the top of the screen and click Re-Query to try again.
Click Start. The new job appears in the status table.
Click Cancel in the appropriate row to cancel a Read-only job.
The status table displays:
Start Time — the date and time the job began.
End Time — the date and time the job ended.
Total Number of Cartridges — the number of cartridges the job will read.
Cartridges Read — the number of cartridges read so far.
Cartridge Read Errors — the number of read operations that failed. If the value in this column
is red, select it to view a detailed list of the failed operations.
Data Read — the amount of data in bytes read so far.
Status — the state of the jobs can be In Progress, Cancelling, Cancelled, Complete, or Complete
with Errors.
The Complete with Errors status signifies that one or more read operations failed; this may
mean the job uncovered a disk error. If a disk error has occurred, the
on the Background Job tab displays a sum of errors and presents a link
to view error detail and drive recommendations.
% Complete — the percentage of cartridges read so far.
Click Cancel in the appropriate row to cancel a Read-only job. To delete jobs from the status table,
check the jobs in the Select column, and then click Delete Selected.
Starting and Reviewing Background Jobs
To run a Background job, from the Configuration tab:
Make changes to the default configuration if necessary; see
Stress Testing Hard Disks using the Storage Exerciser