Clearing all system faults, Clearing the hardware compression faults – HP 9000 Virtual Library System User Manual

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IP address

Enclosure number

Range of suggested disk numbers within the enclosure

Part number of the faulty drive

Jobs are only logged in event of a job failure. The data fields are in order as follows:

Job — indicates that this row of data is the job information

Job ID

Date of the test

Generated job key

Test start time

Time of last update to the job

Test end time

Number of the storage pool tested

Total amount of data written during the test at this point

Direction — read or write

Result — success or fail

Message, if any, associated with the failed job

External connect error, if any

Source barcode of the job

Target barcode of the job

Clearing All System Faults

If the VLS system is showing a degraded status even after the fault that lead to the degraded status
has been cleared, you can force a rescan of the VLS system.

From Command View VLS:

On the System tab, select Chassis in the navigation tree.


On the task bar, select Clear All Faults.

The screen refreshes and the correct status is displayed. (If the status does not change, it was
already correct.) All fault notifications are cleared from the Notifications tab.


This operation clears all of the arrays from Command View VLS. In about five minutes,

the arrays return with an updated view.

Clearing the Hardware Compression Faults

If the VLS node is showing a hardware compression status that you think is incorrect, or if you want
to verify the status shown, you can force a rescan of the node.

From Command View VLS:

On the System tab, expand Chassis in the navigation tree.


Expand Nodes.


Select the node of interest in the navigation tree.

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