HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 176

Error getting DHCP address during add server request
A user cannot allocate DHCP addresses from a particular subnet during an add server request
This problem occurs when the following conditions are met:
Possible cause
Matrix OE is running in a federated CMS environment
Simultaneous changes are made on subnets (requests allocating IP addresses while the subnet
is being edited)
After error messages, a backup/restore process is initiated
To avoid this issue:
Do not edit a subnet that is having its address allocation changed by a request (create/delete/add
Do not allow more than one logged user to edit the same subnet
If the issue has occurred:
The system recovers from this state on its own after some time.
Virtual data disk names cannot contain double-byte characters
When a template is created and a virtual data disk is named using invalid or double byte characters,
the request is not submitted, and the following error message is displayed: Invalid logical
disk name for disk
the following characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, '_', '-' and ' '. Other
characters are not allowed.
Physical data disks and boot disks can contain localized names.
The virtual data disk name contains characters other than letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), space,
underscore, and hyphen.
Possible cause
Rename the virtual data disk using valid characters and resubmit the request.
A Microsoft Windows 2008 virtual machine guest cannot join the Active Directory domain
A Microsoft Windows 2008 virtual machine guest cannot join the Active Directory domain.
Possible cause
The domain name is not specified on the Windows Settings and DNS tabs on the Network tab
or in the Sysprep.inf file.
The DomainAdmin username is prefixed by the domain name in the Sysprep.inf file.
To specify that infrastructure orchestration automatically join new virtual machines to a Microsoft
Windows domain:
Specify the domain name for the network that your virtual machine will attach to.
a. From the Networks page in the infrastructure orchestration console, select the network and
open the Edit Network dialog box.
b. Edit the DNS tab to specify the MS Domain.
c. Edit the Windows Settings tab to specify the MS Domain.
Edit the infrastructure orchestration Sysprep.inf file, located at ..\Program Files\HP\
Matrix infrastructure orchestration\conf\sysprep\Sysprep.inf
On the following lines, specify the username and password for the domain. The DomainAdmin
value must be a username without a domain prefix.