Changing remote retrieval access code, Remote retrieval, Using remote retrieval access code – Brother MFC-3100C User Manual
Page 83
R E M O T E F A X O P T I O N S ( N O T A V A I L A B L E F O R C O L O R F A X )
9 - 3
Changing Remote Retrieval Access Code
Enter your Remote Access Code when the MFC picks up your call, so you can
access features remotely. The access code is preset to 1 5 9 , but you can
change this. (See
Operation from Extension Telephone
, page 6-4.)
Press Menu/Set, 2, 5, 3.
Enter a three-digit number from 000 to
999, and then press Menu/Set. The “ ” cannot be changed. (Do not use the
same digits that appear in your Fax Receive Code or Telephone Answer Code.)
Press Stop/Exit.
Remote Retrieval
You can call your MFC from any fax machine using touch tone, then use the
Remote Retrieval Access Code and other button presses to retrieve fax
messages. Cut out the Remote Retrieval Access Card on the last page and keep
it in your wallet as an aid.
Using Remote Retrieval Access Code
Dial your fax number from a fax machine using touch tone.
When your MFC answers, immediately enter your Remote Retrieval Access
Code (1 5 9 ).
The MFC signals the kinds of messages received:
1 long beep — Fax message(s)
No long beeps — No messages
The MFC prompts you with two short beeps to enter a command. If you wait
longer than 30 seconds to enter a command, the MFC hangs up. If you enter an
invalid command, the MFC beeps three times.
Press 9 0 to reset the MFC when you’re finished.
Hang up.
If your MFC is set to
mode, you can access it by waiting about 2
minutes, and then entering the Remote Retrieval Access Code within 30
3 . R E M O T E A C C E S S