Setting up and using pc fax (for windows® only), Introduction, Brother resource manager – Brother MFC-3100C User Manual
Page 141: Setting up and using pc fax (for windows, Only) -1, Introduction -1, Brother resource manager -1, Setting up and using pc fax
S E T T I N G U P A N D U S I N G P C F A X ( F O R W I N D O W S
O N L Y )
16 - 1
Setting Up and Using PC FAX
(For Windows
This chapter outlines the basics of the Brother software, so you can get started
using the Multi-Function Link
Pro software. Detailed installation and setup
instructions are in the On-Line Documentation section of the Brother CD-ROM
that is included with your MFC.
Multi-Function Link
Pro software for your MFC includes ScanSoft™
for Brother and ScanSoft™ TextBridge
and Using ScanSoft™ PaperPort® and TextBridge® OCR (For Windows® Only)
Brother Resource Manager
The Brother Resource Manager application must be running for you to use your
MFC with your Windows
computer. Multi-Function Link
Pro software and
the MFL Pro Printer Driver automatically load the Resource Manager, as
needed. The Resource Manager allows the single bi-directional Parallel port on
the MFC to simulate a Communications port for faxing and scanning and to
simulate a Parallel port for Windows
GDI printing.
Check the online README.WRI file in the root directory of the
CD-ROM for last-minute important information and
troubleshooting tips that were not included in the On-Line