Milestone Analytics 2.2 Dacolian LPR User Manual
Page 47

Milestone XProtect Analytics 2.2 – Dacolian LPR; Administrator’s Manual
Page 47
MAC Address: Media Access Control address, a 12-character hexadecimal number uniquely
identifying each device on a network.
MPEG: A group of compression standards and file formats for digital video, developed by the
Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG). MPEG standards use so-called lossy compression as they
store only the changes between frames, removing often considerable amounts of redundant
information: Keyframes stored at specified intervals record the entire view of the camera, whereas
the following frames record only pixels that change. This helps greatly reduce the size of MPEG
Mph: Miles per hour.
ND Filter: Neutral Density filter. An ND filter (a.k.a. gray filter) basically reduces the amount of
light coming into a camera; effectively working as “sunglasses” for the camera. An ND filter thus
affects the exposure of images.
Output: Data going out of a computer. On IP surveillance systems, output is frequently used for
activating devices such as gates, sirens, strobe lights, etc.
Overexposure: Overexposure is when images are exposed to too much light, resulting a in a
burnt-out and overly white appearance.
P-Frame: Short name for predictive frame. The MPEG standard for digital video compression uses
P-frames together with I-frames. An I-frame, also known as a keyframe, is a single frame stored at
specified intervals. The I-frame records the entire view of the camera, whereas the following
frames (the P-frames) record only the pixels that change. This helps greatly reduce the size of
MPEG files
Port: A logical endpoint for data traffic. Networks use different ports for different types of data
traffic. Therefore it is sometimes, but not always, necessary to specify which port to use for
particular data communication. Most ports are used automatically based on the types of data
included in the communication. On TCP/IP networks, port numbers range from 0 to 65536, but only
ports 0 to 1024 are reserved for particular purposes. For example, port 80 is used for HTTP traffic
which is used when viewing web pages.
PoS: Also POS. Abbreviation for Point of Sale.
PTZ: Pan/Zoom/Tilt; a highly movable and flexible type of camera.
Recording: In IP video surveillance systems, the term "recording" means "saving video and, if
applicable, audio from a camera in a database on the surveillance system." In many IP surveillance
systems, all of the video/audio received from cameras is not necessarily saved. Saving of video and
audio in is in many cases started only when there is a reason to do so, for example when motion is
detected, when a particular event occurs, or when a specific period of time begins. Recording is
then stopped after a specified amount of time, when motion is no longer detected, when another
event occurs or similar. The term "recording" originates from the analog world, where video/audio
was not taped until the record button was pressed.