Events and output properties, Analytics event, E 111) – Milestone XProtect Express 2014 User Manual
Page 111

Milestone XProtect
Express 2014
Administrator's Manual
Advanced configuration
Events and output properties
Analytics event
When you configure analytics events (see "Add an analytics event" on page 105), specify the
Type a name for the event.
Enter a description (optional).
Test Event
Test the validity of the event by clicking this button (optional).
Tip: You can carry out this test at any step of the analytics event
creation/editing process and as many times as you wish.
When you click Test Event, a window opens which goes through a number of conditions that must be
met for analytics events to work. The window consists of two tabs: Tasks and Errors.
The Tasks tab lists the conditions that are tested and mark them failed:
or success:
. The Errors
tab shows a list of errors corresponding to any failed conditions.
Remember to save any changes made during the test.
When done, check the presence of your test event in the XProtect Smart Client Alarm list. Sort by
type Test Alarm to make your test event appear at the top of the Alarm list. See the XProtect Smart
Client documentation for more details.
Error messages and solutions
Changes saved
If the event is new, is it saved? Or if
there are changes to the event name,
are these changes saved?
Save changes before testing
analytics event. Solution/Explanation:
Save changes.
Analytics Events
Is the Analytics Event feature
Analytics events have not been
enabled. Solution/Explanation: Enable
the Analytics Events feature.
Address allowed
Is the IP address/host name of the
machine sending the event(s)
allowed (listed on the analytics
events address list)?
The local host name must be added
as allowed address for the Analytics
Event service. Solution/Explanation:
Add your machine to the analytics events
address list (of allowed IP
addresses/host names).
Error resolving the local host name.
Solution/Explanation: The IP
address/host name of the machine
cannot be found or is invalid.
Analytics event
used in alarm
Is the analytics event used actively in
any alarm definitions?
Analytics event is not used in any
alarm definition. Solution/Explanation:
Use the analytics event in an alarm