Interguard ig432 installation instructions, Hoyles electronic developments ltd – Hoyles Interguard 2/3/4 door control unit with steel case & 5A PSU User Manual

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Interguard IG432 Installation Instructions

Introduction and general specification............................................................. Page 1

Fire alarms
Privacy and de-fog features
3 door 2 door with common door

Installation without request to release (Mode 1 Operation.............................. Page 2
without locks Indication Only)

Installation without request to release (Mode 1 Operation.............................. Page 3
without locks alternative Indication Only)

Installation without request to release (Mode 1 Operation.............................. Page 4
with locks and standard indications)

Installation without request to release (Mode 1 Operation.............................. Page 5
with locks and the alternative indications)

Installation with request to release (Mode 2 Operation................................... Page 6
with locks and door contacts)

Installation with request to release (Mode 3 Operation................................... Page 7
with monitored locks)

Installation with request to release (Mode 3 Operation................................... Page 8
with door operators. Eg door openers, roller shutters, barriers etc)

Installation with request to release (Mode 3 Operation................................... Page 9
for door operators with lock control)

Setting Dwell and DOTL (Door Open Too Long)Times.................................... Page 10

Trouble shooting with the pcb.......................................................................... Page 11

3 door 2 door combination interlock..................................................................Page 12

Dwg 60103 April 2013

T. 01744 886600 F. 01744 886607 E. [email protected] W.

Hoyles Electronic Developments Ltd