Hoyles ChatterBox Talking Alarm Module Voice Sounder User Manual

Installation instructions, Tam401 - chatterbox talking alarm module, Connection details

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Installation Instructions

TAM401 - ChatterBox Talking Alarm Module

The ChatterBox Talking Alarm Module is a self contained audio module with loud speaker. It can play any type of sound file, be it tones,
music or voice. Typical uses include a voice sounder for an intruder alarm, building welcome messages, general alarm messages.

The unit requires a supply of 12vdc which must be present before any sounds can be activated. Four different sounds can be played by
activating one of the four inputs. The inputs are normally open and must be closed to activate a sound.

The sound will repeat while the input is held on. When the input is removed, the sound will play until the end of the file and then stop.

If more than one input is applied at a time, the most recently applied input will interrupt any file playing at the time.

The sound files are held on the SD memory card included. Several voice messages are provided on the card, however you can record your
own sound files and transfer them onto the card using a PC.

The files need to be WAV files, mono, 16bit, 44.1KHz.

The files on the SD card are named TA001.wav, TA002.wav etc. The file TA001.wav corresponds to Input 1 and TA002.wav to Input 2 etc.
A list of the messages provided is given on the reverse of this sheet. To actually use a message other than the default TA001 - TA004, you
will need to use a PC to rename the file you want to use to TA001.wav, TA002.wav, TA003.wav or TA004.wav.

DWG: 60148 iss1 APR 13

Input 1

Power: Note that +ve must be
connected to both the Amp and
Logic terminals.

Input 3

Input 2

Input 4

Serial Input

+12vdc (Amp)

+12vdc (Logic)


Normally open inputs. Close the
input for mor than 100ms to
play the related sound file.

Volume adjustment
Turn anti clockwise to increase

Speaker terminals
>=8 Ohms

Connection Details

Dimensions mm





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