42 operation 4.1 – West Control Solutions MRC 7000 Profiler Manual User Manual
Page 42

Operation 4.1
4.1.1 OFF MODE
In the Off mode, the instrument control and alarm function (s) are turned off. Process
Retransmission signal(s) remain active. The chart rotation can be selected in the Program
mode to stop or continue to rotate when the instrument is in the Off mode. The pen(s) will
remain active. The Off mode can be entered by pressing and releasing the SCROLL key until
the display reads oFF, then pressing the DOWN key. The display will read oFF and then
current process variable at two second intervals. Entering the Off mode of a dual pen
instrument will cause both pens to enter the Off mode. The second pen display will be blank
as the upper display reads oFF and displays the process value for the second pen at the
same time as the upper display.
In the Control mode, the instrument control function(s) and alarm(s) are actively responding to
the process variable as selected in the Program and Tune modes and the chart will be
rotating at the rate selected. The Control mode allows setpoint changes form either local
setpoint (standard) adjustment by an operator at the front keypad or from remote setpoint
source (optional). Other operations in the Control mode include a lamp test and proportional
Single Pen Instruments: The instrument must be in the Control mode to allow setpoint value
to be displayed and adjusted. In the Control mode, to view the setpoint, press and release the
UP and DOWN key. The green LED under the SP label will light to indicate that the displayed
value is the setpoint. To change the setpoint value, press and hold the appropriate key.
Press and hold the UP key to increase the setpoint or press and hold the DOWN key to
decrease the setpoint. The setpoint will change slowly at first, then faster as the key is held.
If the setpoint will not increase, check the Program mode to see that you are not trying to
increase the setpoint above the setpoint upper limit SPuL. If the setpoint will not decrease,
check the Program mode to see that you are not trying to decrease the setpoint below the
setpoint lower limit SPLL. If the setpoint will not increase or decrease, check that the Setpoint
Change mode is On in the Enable mode.
Dual Pen Instruments: The setpoint of each instrument can be reviewed separately. Pen 1:
To review and change the local setpoint for Pen 1, press the UP key. The green LED in the
upper display will light indicating that the setpoint value is displayed. The setpoint can now be
raised by pressing and holding the UP key or decreasing by pressing the DOWN key. Pen 2:
The setpoint for Pen 2 is viewed and changed in the same manner, except the DOWN key
must be pressed to access the Pen 2 setpoint. The setpoint will change slowly at first, then
faster as the key is held. If the setpoint will not increase, check the Program mode to see that
you are not trying increase the setpoint above the setpoint upper limit SPuL. If the setpoint
will not decrease, check the Program mode to see that you are not trying to decrease the
setpoint below the setpoint lower limit SPLL. If the setpoint will not increase or decrease,
check that the Setpoint change mode is On in the Enable mode. REMOTE SETPOINT OPERATION (OPTIONAL)
Dual Pen Instruments: The Remote Setpoint Option is only available on the second pen of a
dual pen instrument. To use this option, if available, the Program mode selections must be
properly made. The Remote Setpoint parameter rSP must be selected as a 1 or 2 as needed.
The Remote Setpint Upper rSPu and Lower rSPL parameters need to be selected for the
application. Pen Profiling Configuration parameter PPC must be selected as 1 Pen Profiling
only. The Remote Setpoint signal is connected to the TB5 terminals as whon in Section 2 of
this manual.
Digital Communications: The setpoint can be adjusted from a supervisory computer system.
Dual pen instruments are capable of having independent setpoint adjustments for each pen.